April 2024: I reimplemented this as a PWA. It's now freely available via Echo Games CIC.
August 2023: Unfortunately big G have now removed this from the store because I never got around to doing a 64 bit build. Goodbye old friend, I'll miss you dearly.
September 2018: The latest version is now available as a free download on the Google Play Store.
This past week during the evenings, I wrote a small android application just for fun. It consists of a 3 screen UI for selecting the characters in the game of Avalon. Once selected, it generates the callout for the game, and then begins to speak it back to the players via text-to-speech.
Its very rough around the edges (to be fair, I made in a total of about 2.5 working hours over a few days) and contains no accessibility features as of yet. However, some people may find it useful; I know I sure will!
Its FOSS using the BSD-3 license.
It is available from my Github. Its also Updater compatible.