So, I set up this site almost a year ago now and never actually published anything to it. I've decided to have a bash at it and might try and publish to it at least once a week, probably on a Sunday afternoon ( much like this one :-) ).
I've often tried blogging in the past but could never quite do it. I've found it uncomfortable, difficult or frustrating in the past to write things down in a public format as I've always kept notes in the past. I've been thinking however that this maintaining a blog might be a good idea for my EngD as it will certainly help build up a corpus of writing which may prove useful in two years time when it comes to the viva.
This past year has seen a lot happen in my academic life. Highlights include:
Taking part in the 5th UBI Summer School in Oulu (link UBISS), where my team took home the best project award from Workshop D. The workshop was given by Dr. Floyd Mueller from RMIT in Melbourne, Australia. The workshop involved exploring the design of physical based games that incorporate digital technology in some form. Dr. Mueller has a nicer terminology; 'Bodily Play'. The school proved an indispensable week full of activities from learning interesting research in physical gaming as well as meeting many students from around the world studying STEM disciplines. The best part was that the game I created with my team, Reindeer & Wolves, was published as a short paper at the CHI PLAY conference in Toronto. There is a QR code at the bottom of this page with a DOI embedded for the article.
Audio Defence
Winning the accessibility award at the TIGA Games Industry Awards in London. The ceremony took place in November and a game I have worked on the past year with my partner company, Somethin' Else, won the Accessibility award. We were delighted to have won the award in recognition of the work we've been doing over the past year. The game is a first person shooter where the enemies (or shoot-ies) are rendered binaurally for a 3D spatial effect in real time. The game is available on the App Store here.
As I approach the end of the year, I am prepping for my transfer report and viva. This I hope will go smoothly as I want to demonstrate the work I've done so far as well as pose a structured plan for the next 2 years.
I'll write my next post next week. So for now, I'm signing off.